My goal is to investigate inflammatory bowel disease from the population, to patient, to cellular level. I am a research fellow in the Gaudilliere Lab investigating the immune features of IBD in the perioperative period. This work is supported by a WHSDM grant. I have helped create a biobank of samples from surgical patients in the perioperative period, a joint initiative between the Dpts. of Anesthesia and General Surgery. With the Colorectal Surgery group, I am also ooking at population-level outcomes among IBD patients. As a surgeon-scientist, I also work as a General Surgeon at Kaiser Permanente. Before starting my fellowship, I completed my general surgery residency at Stanford and earned my MD/PhD at the University of Colorado.
Link to WHSDM.
Link to my publications.
Link to colorectal surgery.
Link to anesthesia.
Link to General surgery.